COVID-19 Beef Update

We are quickly finding out that the production of meat in North America has one crucial bottleneck – the meat packer.  While this makes for great efficiencies and economies of scale.  It also makes us incredibly vulnerable as a society.  Since we are all locked down now, if you want to learn more about our modern food system, read The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan.  It might just be one of the most important books written in the last 20 years.

With beef, pork and chicken processing facilities closing down due to COVID-19, we could have big problems.  I am already hearing from customers from Windsor, to London and Toronto that meat products are getting scarce on shelves and these closures could make a bad problem even worse.

We have been increasing our weekly processing in anticipation of such an issue.  We use a very small local and rural plant with only a few employees.  Reach out to us if there is something that we can help you with. If you would like to learn more about the issue, the NY Times wrote a great piece recently about this issue.  Find it here.

Stay Safe,

The Knight Family

Easter Sunday smoked brisket.
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