Fighting Food Inflation With Ontario Angus Beef!
- By Chris Knight
- July 20, 2022
The last 2 ½ years have been challenging to say the least. Now that we seem to have the pandemic behind us for the most part, inflation seems to be the next challenge. Price increases seem to be everywhere; from fuel to food and everything in between. This past weekend, MORE »
Updated Delivery Charges
- By Chris Knight
- December 21, 2018
As of January 1st, 2019, we will be using the delivery charges outlined below. The fees will be as follows: A $10 minimum will be applied to all orders. If you live within 40 minutes of our farm, the delivery fee will be 3% of your order subtotal. If you MORE »
Clear Creek Wins Premier’s Award
- By Chris Knight
- February 4, 2018
We were totally shocked and thrilled to learn we had won the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation in early December. We started Organic farming years ago. Through direct marketing, we have seen our farm and herd of Angus cows grow from humble beginnings. Even though we are more than content MORE »
Clear Creek Farms Wins Provincial Award
- By Chris Knight
- March 9, 2017
We were honoured to receive the 2017 TESA (The Environmental Stewardship Award) from the Beef Farmers of Ontario and the Royal Bank of Canada in February. This award is given annually to a beef producer in Ontario who promotes and practices environmentally friendly stewardship on their farm. You can read MORE »
Why Black Angus?
- By Chris Knight
- February 3, 2015
This is a question that I often get both from other farmers and our organic beef customers. As it turns out, there are many reasons why we raise Black Angus cattle. So, in the dead of winter, I thought I would try and summarize my thoughts on why we have MORE »
Why I love my Traeger smoker
- By Chris Knight
- October 19, 2014
Time seems to be the most expensive commodity these days. We all seem to be running too fast and in too many directions at once. However, more and more families (ours included) are trying to reconnect with each other and the food we eat. These two forces are working against MORE »
Honoured to be part of CK Table
- By Chris Knight
- August 5, 2014
It has been a whirlwind last 6 months for us here at Clear Creek. Julie and I welcomed a new son Beau into the world, our family’s herd of Certified Organic Angus cows is expanding and as always, work around the farm with my brother Carl, and father never seems MORE »
New Look…Same Great Beef
- By Chris Knight
- July 16, 2014
Welcome to our new website! After a few years with the old one that we struggled to build ourselves, we decided to get some professional help. Please let us know what you think. We hope you find the website is much like the way we do business: no gimmicks, no glitzy sales pitch–just MORE »