Fighting Food Inflation With Ontario Angus Beef!

The last 2 ½ years have been challenging to say the least.  Now that we seem to have the pandemic behind us for the most part, inflation seems to be the next challenge.  Price increases seem to be everywhere; from fuel to food and everything in between.  This past weekend, MORE »

Rising Food Costs – Things we can all do!

I never go down the meat isle in a grocery store – I don’t need to since we raise our own and we subscribe to a CSA that provides us with a large portion of our veggies.  However, I was curious the other day when getting groceries, so I went MORE »

Regenerative Agriculture – Kiss The Ground

Regenerative agriculture is a concept that is growing in popularity in the agriculture community and even more so from a consumer perspective.  The movie Kiss The Ground has done a great deal to promote both the concept and the conversation around this type of farming.  However, many of us have MORE »

Fall 2019

Fake Meat

Our daily lives are becoming much like our politics – extremely divisive with no middle ground.  Those were my first thoughts when I learned about Fake Meat becoming mainstream with various fast food chains jumping at the idea of offering a meat substitute on their menu.  These companies took the MORE »

Updated Delivery Charges

As of January 1st, 2019, we will be using the delivery charges outlined below. The fees will be as follows: A $10 minimum will be applied to all orders. If you live within 40 minutes of our farm, the delivery fee will be 3% of your order subtotal. If you MORE »

Pantry Box London – 2019

Back by popular demand, Chef Chad Stewart and I have decided to offer the Pantry Box program again this year.  Many Londoners have been searching for local, Organic and non-GMO sources of meat so it makes sense for us to try and help solve that problem. Our Pantry Box program MORE »

Clear Creek Wins Premier’s Award

We were totally shocked and thrilled to learn we had won the Premier’s Award for Agri-Food Innovation in early December.  We started Organic farming years ago. Through direct marketing, we have seen our farm and herd of Angus cows grow from humble beginnings.  Even though we are more than content MORE »

Clear Creek Farms Wins Provincial Award

We were honoured to receive the 2017 TESA (The Environmental Stewardship Award) from the Beef Farmers of Ontario and the Royal Bank of Canada in February.  This award is given annually to a beef producer in Ontario who promotes and practices environmentally friendly stewardship on their farm. You can read MORE »

New Delivery Charge

As of February 1st, 2017, we will begin charging a nominal delivery fee to cover our fuel costs. In order to keep the costs fair for everyone, we have decided to charge based on a percentage of your order’s subtotal. The fees will be as follows: If you live within MORE »

Why Black Angus?

This is a question that I often get both from other farmers and our organic beef customers. As it turns out, there are many reasons why we raise Black Angus cattle. So, in the dead of winter, I thought I would try and summarize my thoughts on why we have MORE »